miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

My Kindle Experience Part I

People! This week my new Kindle arrives. When I say new, I meant I just bought it, not that I had one before. 

But I love Amazon. I am an Amazon junkie, and since I have given them almost mi entire monthly wages in books, I have decided to buy a product that does not take much space and can hold TONS of books.

According to my research, the most of the books I bought are in the Kindle Store, like Tacitus, Gibbon, etc. All my historical pals are there for less than 5 dollars. 

Now, I never wanted to buy a reader because I hate reading from a screen and I love to underline and comment in the books themselves - my brother really hates that, being the book worm english literature major that he is. To me that is part of the learning process, because since I was in highschool I have this visual memory, which developed when I was in law school and now in my History masters.

Then I learned that you can highlight and make notes in the Kindle...How awesome is that! That's all I needed to know to "Proceed to check out"...

Well that is what I think NOW, but tomorrow or by friday I'll get it, and then I'll tell you if I just made a huge mistake - a 150USD mistake-.

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